Friday Favorites, 11/11/16



It finally feels like Fall outside, and it's going to be a beautiful weekend to celebrate our Veterans.  Here's what we are loving this weekend:

Veteran's Day Memorial Service 2016:  This service honors those that served and are serving right now.  The ceremony will be held at the Garland County Veterans Memorial and Military Park.  

Garvan Woodland Gardens: At last we're seeing a little Fall color outside, so it is the perfect time to walk the trails at Garvan.  In addition to enjoying the beautiful outdoors, Garvan Woodland Gardens is hosting two events this weekend:  Art and Wine with Dee Garrett and Herbs for Winter Workshop.  

Bread Dippers:  Our item of the week is our selection of bread dippers.  These blends are perfect for sprinkling over our olive oils and enjoying with some warm, home-baked bread.  We have a variety of blends for every preference.  While you're out enjoying the weekend, stop by the shop to find your favorite.  They also make great gifts or stocking stuffers for any foodies on your list.

Thanks to all who serve!  Have a great weekend!

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  • Lisa Emmert
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